50min Stretch & Restore with Margaret Jennings

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In this video, you'll begin with a sweet mantra meditation, and then you'll be guided through a sequence of stretches and restorative postures. Suitable for all levels. Suggested props: 3 blankets, bolster (DIY in Margaret's other video), hand towel or eye pillow, 3 pillows, 2 blocks or some thick books.

35min Morning Practice: Start Your Day with Intention with Amy Garvey

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This 35min gentle yoga class is intended to be practiced first thing in the morning. Roll out of bed, hop on your mat, and tune into your body, breath and mind. Practice returning your awareness to the present moment, and to your own personal intention as you move through a series of gentle movements and stretches for the whole body. Suitable for all levels. A blanket or two may be helpful.

17min Intro to Breathing Techniques & Energy Locks with Martha Flanagan

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Includes 3 bandha locks. The locks are employed to attain control of your energy system, to direct this energy to the parts of your body you desire it to go to. Also includes breath of fire. Good for all levels.

45min Move Into Meditation with Amy Garvey

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20 mins of mindful movement, and 25mins of guided meditation. It can be difficult to drop right into meditation some days, either because your body or your mind feel unsettled, so this practice will help you move through any of that extra physical or mental energy so that you can feel more ready to meditate. Suitable for all levels. Any comfy props you like for meditation may be helpful: some blankets, a bolster or pillow or cushion.

60min Restore at Home with Nancy Rich

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Use what you already have at home to support your body in deeply restful postures that will help you activate your parasympathetic nervous system and find calm. Suitable for all levels. Suggested props: two soup cans or yoga blocks, two bed pillows, 2-4 blankets or bath towels. Optional props: two throw pillows or blankets/towels for arm rests.